Hunton Parish Council North Yorkshire

Parish Council

There are 54 parish and town councils in Richmondshire. Across England there are about 8,700 parish and town councils that serve 30% of the population as their most direct tier of government. Parish and town councils have a combined budget of £493m. That is an average of about £20 for every parishioner. Individual budgets range from £100 to over £1million per year. Parish councils have wide powers in law, but relatively few duties, making individual councils very different in size and activity.

Annual Governance & Accountability

Return (AGAR) 2024

To be completed by Local Councils, lnternal Drainage Boards and other Smaller Authorities.

Notification of Public Rights


Chairman’s Statement 2024

Statement made by the Chairman Hunton Parish Council 2024

Police Report

To: Hunton Parish Council From: PCSO 3521 Di Smith Meeting date:16th March 2022

Typical Hunton Parish

Council business

Typical business includes helping parishioners with local issues, often by taking up their problems with the District or County Council, commenting on local planning applications, managing and maintaining the play park, grass cutting and a wide range of other matters effecting the people of Hunton. Our meetings are open to the public and all are welcome to attend. Dates for Parish Council meetings can be accessed via the website Calendar or from the Parish notice board.

Proposed dates for the next Parish

Council meetings are available here

Parish Council Minutes.

2024 Minutes Meeting Minutes Jan 2024 Meeting Minutes March 2024 Meeting Minutes July 2024 2023 Minutes Meeting Minutes Nov 2023 Meeting Minutes Sep 2023 Meeting Minutes July 2023 Meeting Minutes May 2023 Meeting Minutes Mar 2023 Meeting Minutes Jan 2023 2022 Minutes Meeting Minutes Nov 2022 Meeting Minutes Sep 2022 Meeting Minutes July 2022 Meeting Minutes May 2022 Meeting Minutes Mar 2022 2021 Minutes Meeting Minutes Jul 2021 Meeting Minutes May 2021* Meeting Minutes Mar 2021 Meeting Minutes Jan 2021 * Cll Pat Middlemas Report to Hunton PC 2020 Minutes Meeting Minutes Jan 2020 Hunton PC AGM Sept 2020 Meeting Minutes 16th Sept 2020 Meeting Minutes Dec 9th 2020
Other Documents Downloads

Parish Council Members

The History of Parish Councils

Parish Councils have their origins in Saxon and Norman times. Villages were ruled by the Lord of the Manor and sometimes the villagers all met to make decisions which affected the whole community. Parish Priests and later Schoolmasters took on roles of leadership and by 1601 Church Vestry Meetings were given the responsibility of levying the poor rate. These were the first effective local taxes. There have been 25 Acts of Parliament over the last two centuries conferring, directly or indirectly, various powers on Parish Councils including Gladstone’s 1894 Local Government Act which established them in their modern form as the third tier of Local Government and the 1972 Local Government Act which revised their role substantially.

Rob Wyatt

E-mail Rob E-mail Rob

Wendy Knight


E-mail Wendy E-mail Wendy

Janet Wylie


E-mail Janet E-mail Janet

Ray Worsdale


E-mail Ray E-mail Ray

The Role of Hunton Parish Council


A parish council is a civil local authority found in England and is the lowest

tier of local government. It receives funding by levying a precept upon the

council tax paid by the residents of the parish. The current precept of

Hunton PC stands at £5,500 per annum and is reviewed at the end of each

financial year. In addition to the annual precept, the Parish Council can

keep reserves for unexpected items of expenditure or for specific projects

but normally this sum should not exceed the annual precept. The Parish

Council is made up of unpaid councillors who are elected to serve for four

years, supported by a parish clerk and treasurer.


The specific roles of the Council can be summarised as follows,

Grass cutting to all areas under the responsibility of the Parish Council

The provision, inspection and maintenance of all play area equipment

The maintenance of the village hall car park (The Village Hall is not the responsibility of the PC and is

managed and maintained as a registered charity by a separate committee)

The maintenance of the war memorial

The maintenance of the Pinfold

The maintenance of the Cinder Hut at the quoits pitch

The guardianship of areas of common land

Provision of a public liability insurance policy

Provision and maintenance of public seating, picnic benches and litter bins

Maintenance of the Beck where it passes through Parish Council land

Provision of flood prevention equipment


The Parish Council has the right to be consulted by Richmondshire District Council on all planning


To be consulted by North Yorkshire County Council on any proposed highways or drainage works


Applying for grants and funding towards replacement of play equipment and furniture

Supporting community initiatives where we can

Providing a central means of coordination for major issues such as flooding

Using our contacts with the local councillors to seek resolution of issues which have not been resolved by

other means

It is not the role of the parish council to do what residents can do for themselves such as reporting street lighting

faults, highway issues, rubbish collections. However, we are willing to hear people's views, ideas and concerns re

the village and sign post you to the correct services.

A full list of the acts of Parliament and powers that apply to Parish Councils can be found at the web site of the

National Association of Local Councils.

N A L C website

Clerk to Parish Council

For all general enquiries

E-mail Clerk E-mail Clerk


Hunton North Yorkshire Contact Us here E:
Declaration Declaration Declaration Declaration Declaration

Ronnie Smith


E-mail Ronnie E-mail Ronnie Declaration
Hunton Parish Council North Yorkshire

Parish Council

There are 54 parish and town councils in Richmondshire. Across England there are about 8,700 parish and town councils that serve 30% of the population as their most direct tier of government. Parish and town councils have a combined budget of £493m. That is an average of about £20 for every parishioner. Individual budgets range from £100 to over £1million per year. Parish councils have wide powers in law, but relatively few duties, making individual councils very different in size and activity.

Annual Governance & Accountability

Return (AGAR) 2024

To be completed by Local Councils, lnternal Drainage Boards and other Smaller Authorities.

Notification of Public Rights


Chairman’s Statement 2024

Statement made by the Chairman Hunton Parish Council 2024

Police Report

To: Hunton Parish Council From: PCSO 3521 Di Smith Meeting date:16th March 2022

The History of Parish


Parish Councils have their origins in Saxon and Norman times. Villages were ruled by the Lord of the Manor and sometimes the villagers all met to make decisions which affected the whole community. Parish Priests and later Schoolmasters took on roles of leadership and by 1601 Church Vestry Meetings were given the responsibility of levying the poor rate. These were the first effective local taxes. There have been 25 Acts of Parliament over the last two centuries conferring, directly or indirectly, various powers on Parish Councils including Gladstone’s 1894 Local Government Act which established them in their modern form as the third tier of Local Government and the 1972 Local Government Act which revised their role substantially.

Rob Wyatt - Councillor

E-mail Rob E-mail Rob

Wendy Knight-Councillor

E-mail Wendy E-mail Wendy

Raymond Worsdale -


E-mail Ray E-mail Ray

Janet Wylie-Councillor

E-mail Janet E-mail Janet

Ronnie Smith - Chairman

E-mail Ronnie E-mail Ronnie

Parish Council members

Clerk to Parish Council

For all general enquiries

E-mail Clerk E-mail Clerk

The Role



Parish Council


A parish council is a civil local authority found in

England and is the lowest tier of local government.

It receives funding by levying a precept upon the

council tax paid by the residents of the parish. The

current precept of Hunton PC stands at £5,500 per

annum and is reviewed at the end of each financial

year. In addition to the annual precept, the Parish

Council can keep reserves for unexpected items of

expenditure or for specific projects but normally

this sum should not exceed the annual precept.

The Parish Council is made up of unpaid

councillors who are elected to serve for four years,

supported by a parish clerk and treasurer.


The specific roles of the Council can be summarised

as follows,

Grass cutting to all areas under the responsibility

of the Parish Council

The provision, inspection and maintenance of all

play area equipment

The maintenance of the village hall car park (The

Village Hall is not the responsibility of the PC and is

managed and maintained as a registered charity

by a separate committee)

The maintenance of the war memorial

The maintenance of the Pinfold

The maintenance of the Cinder Hut at the quoits


The guardianship of areas of common land

Provision of a public liability insurance policy

Provision and maintenance of public seating,

picnic benches and litter bins

Maintenance of the Beck where it passes through

Parish Council land

Provision of flood prevention equipment


The Parish Council has the right to be consulted by

Richmondshire District Council on all planning


To be consulted by North Yorkshire County Council

on any proposed highways or drainage works


Applying for grants and funding towards

replacement of play equipment and furniture

Supporting community initiatives where we can

Providing a central means of coordination for

major issues such as flooding

Using our contacts with the local councillors to

seek resolution of issues which have not been

resolved by other means

It is not the role of the parish council to do what

residents can do for themselves such as reporting

street lighting faults, highway issues, rubbish

collections. However, we are willing to hear people's

views, ideas and concerns re the village and sign post

you to the correct services.

A full list of the acts of Parliament and powers that

apply to Parish Councils can be found at the web site

of the National Association of Local Councils.

N A L C website



Hunton North Yorkshire Contact Us here E:

Typical Hunton Parish

Council business

Typical business includes helping parishioners with local issues, often by taking up their problems with the District or County Council, commenting on local planning applications, managing and maintaining the play park, grass cutting and a wide range of other matters effecting the people of Hunton. Our meetings are open to the public and all are welcome to attend. Dates for Parish Council meetings can be accessed via the website Calendar or from the Parish notice board.

Proposed dates for the next Parish

Council meetings are available here

Parish Council Minutes.

2024 Minutes Meeting Minutes Jan 2024 Meeting Minutes March 2024 Meeting Minutes July 2024 2023 Minutes Meeting Minutes Nov 2023 Meeting Minutes Sep 2023 Meeting Minutes July 2023 Meeting Minutes May 2023 Meeting Minutes Mar 2023 Meeting Minutes Jan 2023 2022 Minutes Meeting Minutes Nov 2022 Meeting Minutes Sep 2022 Meeting Minutes July 2022 Meeting Minutes May 2022 Meeting Minutes Mar 2022 2021 Minutes Meeting Minutes Jul 2021 Meeting Minutes May 2021* Meeting Minutes Mar 2021 Meeting Minutes Jan 2021 * Cll Pat Middlemas Report to Hunton PC 2020 Minutes Meeting Minutes Jan 2020 Hunton PC AGM Sept 2020 Meeting Minutes 16th Sept 2020 Meeting Minutes Dec 9th 2020 2019 Minutes Meeting Minutes Nov 2019 Meeting Minutes Sept 2019 Meeting Minutes July 2019 Meeting Minutes Mar 2019 Meeting Minutes Jan 2019
Other Documents Downloads Declaration Declaration Declaration Declaration Declaration